Friday, July 22, 2005

Almost there

So we're almost going. It's 12.30 AM and I just finished cleaning the kitchen and Jérôme is packing. We left the cats at Maïté's earlier tonight (les pauvres petits pupus). We hope they don't run away. I picked up the hotel information from the travel agency (since we booked a couple nights in fancy place with our honeymoon fund). We've got an MP3 player, cookies for the plane and inflatable pillows. And so there's nothing left to do but count the hours until we leave! I'm most excited about the Night Market in Kaifeng (because of Arte and Peony by Pearl Buck) and the Forbidden City (since I read Empress Orchid by Anchee Min) and Jérôme will get excited once he's on the plane. I've been reading books for months, but Jérôme will devour them on the plane...Bo said we were lucky to NOT be taking Air China because "there are too many Chinese". But he's a bit biased I think. He also says we better be hungry when we get there because we're going to eat Peking Duck...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I love your blog! So chatty and charming. I can't wait to read your updates from China. Gros bisous to Jerome, and have a wonderful time!

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ce blog est un véritable scandale !

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! this is a great way to stay in touch during your trip! good luck on your foreign excursion... and rebecca, thanks so much for the annecy postcard. I have such good memories of that place.

9:16 PM  

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