Wednesday, July 13, 2005

News from Heze

Just got an email from Bo who has been back in China for just over a week. He says it's hot and humid in Heze. He also says that his parents already have a corkscrew - does that mean we have to bring a bottle of wine anyway? Bo was really retincent about going "home" this time - he's been in France for over 2 years now and he doesn't relate to the Chinese anymore. He called me from the airport before he flew back to Beijing and he said, "It's terrible. There are too many Chinese. Don't ever take Air China." (This reminds me of how I feel when I get in the line at Charles de Gaulle airport to go back to New Jersey).

Bo is a really amazing person, really interested in learning and seeing. I've never met anyone with such a thirst for knowledge. And it shows in his eyes. He is also an amazing linguist. When Bo arrived in France, he didn't speak French. We became friends because he was the only student who came to my English classes at the art school I was teaching at. He already spoke English but came to my class anyway (he later told me it was the only class he attended that year). Next year, he'll be starting a degree in philosophy at the Sorbonne.

So although Bo does not feel at home anymore "at home", being our guide may be good for him because he'll be able to see his home through foreign eyes. And we hope he'll have a little fun too...


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