Monday, July 11, 2005

Packing Part I

Yesterday I started packing - Jerome and I were both a little concerned by my urgent need to pack 2 weeks ahead of time. But once we saw my bag overflowing, we realized it was a good thing since we need to travel light. (Ok, fine, I admit that I've been planning what to pack since the beginning of June). The big problem, besides which shoes to bring, was what to do about my running clothes - a running t-shirt is one dimensional, takes up space, dries slowly and holds in odor. So, at lunch time I went and bought quick-dry t-shirts (for us both), a quick dry towel (we'll have to share since there was only one) and lavender....the lavender is a gift for Bo's family which is also a problem since we won't see them until 2 weeks into the trip. This eliminates the standard gifts I'd bring from France like wine (too heavy), chocolate (would melt in the heat) or cookies (would be eaten on the long train rides)...and at least the lavender will keep my bag smelling nice if the quick-dry t-shirt I bought isn't odor or bacteria resistant...


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